Monday, September 25, 2006

Songs of Other Days

When It's Night-time Down In Burgundy
Hear this song on a 1914 cylinder recording

We're still handling the recent donations. Some of these are the 1970's piano albums which don't thrill me as much, but it seems that stratum is well-excavated, and more of the new items in the Library database are of earlier vintage.

One of the satisfactions of data entry at the Library is discovering what else we have on the shelves. It's predictable that there are apparently thousands of titles composed by Irving Berlin, or Harry Von Tilzer, but who suspected that the Library has the sheet music for "Chopsticks?" Yes, that's right: "Chopsticks," the bane of every piano owner, the tune so simple even bratty six-year-olds can play it (I know from experience). If you're one of the two or three people on Earth who don't know how to play it by ear, well, request the music from the Paramount Sheet Music Library.

Ma, He's Making Eyes At Me
A 1940's title donated by Mrs. Bach Skinner. Love the cartoon rays from his eyes!
Watch Eydie Gorme and the Whippoorwills perform "Ma, He's Making Eyes at Me"